Borobudur is the name of a Buddhist temple located at Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. Location of the temple is approximately 100 miles southwest of Semarang and 40 miles northwest of Yogyakarta. Stupa shaped temple was founded by the Mahayana Buddhists around the year 800 AD during the reign of the dynasty dynasty. The
monument comprises six square terraces Yeng above there are three
circular courtyard, the walls decorated with original 2672 relief
panels and 504 Buddha statues there. The main stupa in the middle
of the largest teletak once crowned this building, surrounded by three
rows of circular 72 perforated
stupa in which there are statues of Buddha sitting cross-legged in the
lotus position perfectly with the mudra (hand position) Dharmachakra
mudra (turning the wheel of dharma).
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Tuesday, October 25, 2011
BMW is a famous German aircraft manufacturer in 1913, Karl Friedrich Rapp, Rapp Motoren Werke in a suburb of Munich founded. The company, which specializes in aircraft engines, but Rapp problems with the machine. Gustav Otto, also an airplane specialist, in close proximity to install their own small shop.
Karl Friedrich Rapp |
Rapp Motoren Werke in a contract with Austro-Daimler V12 Aero engines under license to create a safe, but it is not possible to meet their own needs. The company expanded too quickly, and Rapp, the company announced until 1918 because of financial problems.Rapp and Gustav Otto Bayer joined forces to create Flugzeungwerke insurance, insurance immediately Bayer Motoren Werke (Bavarian Motor Works), and BMW has changed.
BMW 6-cylinder Type IIIa, the first aircraft engine, manufactured in 1917. In 1919, his successor, supported by aircraft, Type IV, Franz Zeno Diemer altitude of 9760 meters (32,013 feet), breaking the record. Prohibition of building a BMW aircraft engine, the same year, after the Treaty of Versailles was signed, the production, for the air brakes on rail vehicles. In accordance with at least 29 sets of BMW, in 1922, began once again to build aircraft engines, the world record. Introduced in 1920, the propeller-driven aircraft design based on circular BMW logo.
The first BMW motorcycle, goes into production in 1923. Motorcycle, R 3300rpm 8.5 boxer engine producing less than 32 hp. 2-cylinder 494cc motorcycle, has a top speed of 59 mph. From 3090, produced over a period of three years.
History is made in the case of BMW cars in 1928. PS car production BMW Dixi 3 / 15 marked the beginning of the Eisenbach factory produced. Austin built under license, and basically, U. S. Bantam and the Japanese Datsun is the same model. Dixis former produces 15 horsepower, 743cc 4-cylinder with an open roof is used, and supported by a motor. Top speed 50 mph (80 kph). The new version improved, in 1929, an all steel - and four-wheel brake job and DA2, launched in 1930 and won the first victory in motorcycle racing, Dixi. Total production of 18 976 pieces.
1932 is the year, BMW's first "real" car (PM 4) production inputs, the model homes will be built by the successor to the BMW Dixi and the first production car completely. This model, valves and drives the camshaft 4-cylinder engine with dual suspension, has a maximum speed of 50 mph.
The following year marked the first BMW in-line six-cylinder engine configuration entry, BMW is still a typical choice even in a modern car. 303 sedan, the first BMW model in two-kidney shaped grill, 303 technological achievements of the benchmark.
3 years later, in 1936, BMW, this is a pre-war of the most popular and most famous BMW, sports car, the successor of the 315 / 1 (1934-1936). 328 introduced the first built in 1938, 328 remained in its class designed for motor sports has proven to Italy won the Mille Miglia, but quickly became popular road cars.
Second World War, the company has a negative effect on the BMW. The remains of the factory, or destroyed or dismantled and BMW headroom and production response to rocket engines during the war by the Allies in production activities have been imposed on a three-year ban for a period of lying down. Produced the first post-war model, the V8 is a poor production choice for a country ravaged by war, in 1951, equipped with 501 luxury sedan. Demand is low and 501 is not even close to meeting expectations com e BMW.
This is a completely different approach, began to rise again to bring the BMW. Isetta 250, launched in 1955 and in 1950 joined a highly successful period of mini-vehicles. Is under license from the Italian manufacturer Iso and build a motorcycle engine and the front door.Engine, up to 12 horsepower and a maximum speed of 5800 rpm 53 mph (85 kph) produces a single cylinder 245cc unit. During the 7-year production run 161 728 Isettas built.
Now the performance, style and technological advances, with special emphasis on the tradition of building the perfect car BMW Z3, Z8 and all 3, 5, 7 and Motorsport series models included. 1992-to-be-remembered others, for the first time BMW Mercedes sold in Europe. Hopefully in the future competition between these and other brands and companies such as BMW will continue to build a great car to stop
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Posted by putut at 8:42 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Peristiwa München
Seorang anggota Black September berada di balkon perkampungan atlet Israel |
Pembantaian München yang juga disebut dengan nama September Hitam adalah peristiwa terorisme saat Olimpiade München 1972. Pada 5 September 1972, kelompok teroris September Hitam (Black September) yang terdiri dari orang-orang Palestina menyandera dan membunuh 11 atlet Israel dan seorang polisi. Dalam upaya penyelamatan yang dilaksanakan, seluruh militan terbunuh kecuali tiga di antaranya.
Peristiwa München
Pada tanggal 4 september 1972, kelompok radikal Black September melancarkan aksi teror bersandi operasi Berim Ikrit. Sasarannya perkampungan atlet Israel peserta Olimpiade Munich. Asrama atlet Israel itu bersebelahan dengan asrama atlet Hong Kong dan Uruguay . Asrama itu terletak dekat bandara Furstenfeldburch. Perkampungan Olimpiade , Apartemen Connolystrasse, Blok 31 Munchen.
Penculikan atas sebelas atlet Israel ini dilangsungkan saat kesemuanya usai bersuka ria menikmati suatu malam pada 4 September 1972 di tempat peristirahatan mereka. Pukul 04.30 dini hari ketika para olahragawan ini tengah tertidur lelap, Jam 4.00 pagi, 8 anggota Black September memanjat pagar setinggi 1.8 meter di Kusoczinskidamm , hanya 500 meter dari asrama atlet Israel. anggota Black September masuk ke perkampungan atlet Israel dengan bantuan dari atlet Amerika.
Adalah pegulat Israel Yossef Gutfreund yang awalnya mendengar bunyi mencurigakan di apartemennya ketika ia memeriksanya ia mendapati pintu apartemennya berusaha dibuka sebelum akhirnya ia mulai berteriak memerintahkan teman-temannya yang lain untuk menyelamatkan diri mereka seraya mendorong tubuh kekarnya menahan laju pintu dari tekanan para anggota Black September. Dua orang atlet Israel berhasil meloloskan diri, sementara delapan lainnya memilih untuk bersembunyi. Seorang atlet angkat berat, Yossef Romano berusaha merebut senjata sang penyelusup, tragisnya ia lalu tertembak dan tewas seketika layaknya nasib Mosche Weinberg, pelatih gulat yang juga tewas saat hendak menyerang anggota penyelusup lainnya dengan pisau buah.
Setelah menawan sembilan atlet Israel pihak Black September menuntut dibebaskannya 234 tawanan Palestina dari penjara Israel dan dua pemimpin kelompok kiri Baader-Meinhoff dari penjara Jerman Barat dan rute aman menuju Mesir, namun untuk pembebasan tahanan Palestina, pemerintah Israel menolak mentah-mentah permintaan itu kecuali untuk rute aman tujuan Kairo yang disanggupi pihak Jerman.
Menteri Bavaria yang juga pengurus Perkampungan Olimpiade menawarkan diri sebagai ganti tetapi tawaran ditolak. Kanselir Jerman Barat Willy Brandt menghubungi Perdana Menteri Israel Golda Meir melalui telepon. Israel enggan memenuhi tuntutan tersebut. Jerman sendiri bersedia membebaskan pemimpin Baader-Meinhof, Ulrike Meinhofdan Andreas Baader. Akhirnya 8 anggota Black September dan 8 tawanan di bawa dengan bus Volkswagen ke Bandara Furstenfeldbruck menuju Jet 727 yang menunggu. pemerintah Jerman hendak menjebak komplotan tersebut di Bandara Furstenfeldbruck. Di bandara inilah komplotan tersebut minta disiapkan sebuah pesawat yang akan menerbangkan mereka ke Kairo, Mesir. Jet gadungan pun disiapkan dengan 5-6 personil polisi yang disamarkan sebagai kru pesawat dan dengan mengerahkan penembak jitu, pihak Jerman mengetahui sekiranya ada delapan orang penyandera yang tidak menggunakan pengaman senjata apapun.
Sampai sejauh ini semuanya lancar hingga helikopter lepas landas membawa para penyandera beserta tawanannya. Namun, upaya pembebasan menjadi kacau. Malapetaka bermula ketika dua petugas kepolisian mulai bertindak gegabah dan memicu serangkaian insiden penembakan antara pihak kepolisian Jerman Barat termasuk para penembak jitu dengan para penyandera yang berujung atas kematian tragis bagi kedua belah pihak hingga melibatkan para atlet yang disandera. Drama penyanderaan 21 jam itu berakhir dengan peledakan helikopter hingga mengkibatkan kematian semua sandera. Dan penembakan atas Jamal Al Gasshey. Sebelas atlet Israel, tiga anggota Black September dan seorang polisi Jerman Barat tewas.
Kesebelas atlet Israel yang tewas itu adalah:
1. Yosses Gutfreud (atlet gulat)
2. Mosche Weinberg (pelatih gulat)
3. Yossef Romano (atlet angkat berat)
4. David Mark Berger
5. Mark Slavin
6. Jacov Springer (wasit angkat besi)
7. Andre Spitzer (pemain anggar)
8. Kehat Shorr
9. Elieszer Halfin
10. Amitzur Shapira
11. Zeev Friedman.
Tragedi berdarah ini meninggalkan luka bagi banyak pihak. Tak seorangpun sandera berhasil diselamatkan. Hanya dua atlet Israel yang berhasil melarikan diri saat penyanderaan, mereka adalah:
1. Tuvia Sokolovsky - atlet angkat berat, dan
2. Gad Zobari.
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Posted by putut at 3:04 PM 0 comments
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